
副研究员/ wangxh@mofangziyuan.com/应用微生物学


1984.9—1987.6 河南信阳师范学院生物系。

1992.9—1995.6 云南大学攻读硕士学位

2002.9—2005.6 云南大学攻读微生物学博士学位


1987.7—1992.8 河南固始段集高中任教

1995.7—至今 云南大学微生物研究所从事微生物学研究




2007.1----2010.12 剑叶龙血树叶源血竭的诱导研究(编号:30760300)    国家基金委

2007.4----2011.12  小桐子生物柴油产业化关键技术开发与示范 小桐子生物菌肥及发酵饲料的研制2007BAD32B04) 国家科技部

2010.1.12-2012.12 剑叶龙血树、美登木特色药材种植关键技术研究及产业化示范(2010AE005 云南省科技厅

2010.1.12-2011.12  10-脱乙酰-7-差向紫杉醇转化生产紫杉醇的技术开发(2009GJF30004)    国家科技部

2011.12014.12《云南天然橡胶产业关键技术研究与集成示范(2011BAD30B00)》课题中的《老虎机赌场官方网站》 国家科技部

2014.1- 2017.12 膏桐饼中佛波酯类毒性成分的微生物降解(21366033),国家自然科学基金









1.Changhe Zhang & Xing-Hong Wang. Reply to: “Critique on conclusions regarding toxic compounds in Jatropha curcas kernel cake”. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 2021, 4:1349. http://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02871-y.

2.Xing-Hong Wang,Jie-Qing Liu,Suiyun Chen, Yanfeng Yin, Yan Liu,Changhe Zhang.Hydroxy-octadecenoic acids instead of phorbol esters are responsible for the Jatropha curcas kernel cake’s toxicity.COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY,2020, 3:228,http://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-0919-z.

3.Xing-Hong Wang, Li Liu, Jiao Li, Yan Liu, Jie-Qing Liu, and Shao-Hua Wu.CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE SEED CAKE OF Jatropha curcas.  Chemistry of Natural Compounds,  2018, 54(3): 606-609.

4.Wang Xing-Hong, Zhang Chaobin, Fevereiro Pedro and Zhang Changhe. (2016). Screening and Characterization of Auricularia delicata Strain for Mushroom Production under Tropical Temperature Conditions to make use of Rubberwood Sawdust. Research Journal of Biotechnology 2016, 26-37.

5.Li-Ping Shi, Kun-Ming Jiang, Jun-Jie Jiang, Yi Jin, Yun-Hai Tao, Ke Li, Xing-Hong Wang, Jun Lin. (2013). Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of polyhalobenzonitrile quinazolin-4(3H)-one derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23, 5958–5963.

6.Xing-Hong Wang, Lingcheng Ou, Liang-Liang Fu, Shui Zheng, Ji-Dong Lou, José Gomes-Laranjo, Jiao Li, Changhe Zhang. (2013). Detoxification of Jatropha curcas kernel cake by a novel Streptomyces fimicarius strain. Journal of Hazardous Materials 260, 238– 246.

7.Chao Huang, Sheng-Jiao Yan , Neng-Qin He , Ya-Juan Tang, Xing-Hong Wang, Jun Lin. (2013). Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of polyhalo isophthalonitrile derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23, 2399–2403.

8.LingCheng Ou, XingHong Wang, Chang He Zhang. (2013).  Production and characterization of dragon's blood from leaf blades of Dracaena cambodiana elicited by Fusarium proliferatum. Industrial Crops and Products, 45(2), 230– 235.

9.Xing-Hong Wang, Min Gong, Liang Tang, Shui Zheng, Ji-Dong Lou, Lingcheng Ou, Jose´ Gomes-Laranjo, Changhe Zhang. (2013). Cloning, bioinformatics and the enzyme activity analyses of a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene involved in dragon’s blood biosynthesis in Dracaena cambodiana. Mol Biol Rep 40(1), 97–107。

10.Ling-Ling Yang, Tao Ao, Xing-Hong Wang, Jie He, Hans-Peter Klenk, Shu-Kun Tang and Wen-Jun Li. (2012). Proposal of Intrasporangium mesophilum sp.nov., and reclassification of Humihabitans oryzae Kageyama etal. 2007 as Intrasporangium oryzae comb. nov.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 1037-41.

11.Xing-Hong Wang , ChangHe Zhang, Ling-Ling Yang,José Gomes-Laranjo. (2011). Production of dragon’s blood resin in Dracaena cochinchinensis by inoculation of Fusarium proliferatum isolates. Plant Sci. 180292-299.

12.XingHong Wang, ChangHe Zhang, LingLing Yang, Song Li, Yu Zhang,Jose ´ Gomes-Laranjo. (2011). Screening and identification of microbial strains that secrete an extracellular C-7 xylosidase of taxanes,World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology: 27 (3 ), 627- 635.

13.XingHong Wang, ChangHe Zhang, Yun Wang, J. Gomes-Laranjo. (2010). Screen of microorganisms for inducing the production of dragon’s blood by leaf of Dracaena cochinchinensis. Lett Appl Microbiol. 51,504–510.

14.XingHong Wang, ChangHe Zhang, LingLing Yang, Xiao-Hong Yang, Ji-Dong Lou, Qiu’e Cao, José Gomes-Laranjo. (2010). Enhanced dragon’s blood production in Dracaena cochinchinensis by elicitation of Fusarium oxysporum strains. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4(24), 2633-2640.

15.Xinghong Wang, Ping Ma, Dongfu Jiang, Qian Peng and HongYa Yang. (2006). The natural microflora of Xuanwei ham and the no-nouldy ham production. Jouranl of Food Engineering,77(1),103-111.


2021.2,一种脂肪酸新化合物及其制备方法, ZL201710442689.7,国家知识产权局。

2021.3,一种利用复合杀线虫微生物防治线虫病害的方法, ZL201911260298.9,国家知识产权局。









