
副研究员/ wanglu@mofangziyuan.com/进化基因组学


王璐 副研究员,硕士生导师


E-mail: wanglu@mofangziyuan.com


王璐,博士毕业于中国科学院,副研究员、硕士生导师、云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才。Nat Commun、Sci Adv、Cell Res、Mol Biol Evol等国际学术期刊发表研究论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项









1. Huang QG#, Zhang MZ#, Zhang SJ, Ge XZ, Fu J, Wen TG, Peng JG, Wang GD, Wang SZ*, Wang L*. Genetic study on heritability and novel SNP loci of temperament in Chinese Kunming Dog. Reproduction and Breeding, 2024, 4(1):1-4.

2. Liu YH#, Wang L#, Zhang Z#, ... & Liang *, Wang GD*, Zhang YP*. 2021. Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals Lactase Persistence Adaptation in European Dogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021, 38(11):4884-4890.

3. Zhao LM#, Ke H#, et al., Yi P*, Wang L*, Jiao BW*. 2020. TDP-43 Facilitates Milk Lipid Secretion by Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Btn1a1 and Xdh. Nature Communications, 11(1):341.

4. Liu YH#, Wang L#, Xu T#, et al., Qi XP*, Wang GD*, Zhang YP*. 2018. Whole-genome sequencing of African dogs provides insights into adaptations against tropical parasites. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(2):287-298.

5. Wang L#, Ma YP#, et al., Wang GD*. 2016. The geographical distribution of grey wolves (Canis lupus) in China: a systematic review. Zoological Research, 37(6): 315-326.

6. Wang GD#, Zhai W#, Yang HC#, Wang L#, Zhong L, Liu YH, Fan RX, Yin TT, Zhu CL, Poyarkov AD, Irwin DM, Hytönen MK, Lohi H, Wu CI, Savolainen P*, Zhang YP*. Out of southern East Asia: the natural history of domestic dogs across the world. Cell Research, 2016, 26(1):21-33.

7. 中国发明专利,《老虎机线上》,专 利 权 人:云南大学,发 明 人:王璐;刘洳言;李雪;孙华;李芷瑜;张亚平,专利号ZL 2021 1 0574050.0,授 权 公 告 日:2023年05月05日